The basics for your accounting package

In this final post of our series of becoming more financially literate about your business’ finances, we look at how to go about choosing an accounting package that suites your needs.   It is not just about accounting  As a management accountant, I get excited about the data that underpins financial statements. One of the most important aspects of choosing an accounting package is the type of information that you want to store and retrieve. It is not just about accounting – and you need to bear…  Read more

Forming A Routine

Getting a grip on your numbers can seem like a daunting task – especially if you are carrying some sort of an aversion from your school or varsity days.  In my last two posts I discussed why it is so important for a small business owner to stay on top of their business finances. I pointed out the difference between the value your accountant adds vs. the value you can…  Read more

Automate your accounting processes for insights!

Another jewel in the Xero app eco system is Spotlight reporting. Working with tools like Spotlight connects with our purpose for being in business. We create order out of your paperwork chaos, automate and simplify the recording of that data using tools like ReceiptBank. Once that data is in Xero, we can connect your financial data seamlessly to tools like Spotlight to give you great insights. Let’s explore how we…  Read more

Receipt bank works like magic!

One of the most phenomenal tools that I have encountered in my cloud accounting journey so far is Receipt bank. They say great software works like magic, well enter Receipt bank. Receipt bank is an expense management tool that automates your data capturing process.   It works as follows:  You upload your slips or invoices by:  Taking a photo of your expense slip using the receipt bank app;  Forward your creditors…  Read more

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